Source code for jdit.parallel.parallel_trainer

# coding=utf-8

from multiprocessing import Pool
import traceback
import copy

# class SupParallelTrainer(object):
#     """ Training parallel
#     .. attr::`default_params` is the default params.
#     .. attr::`unfixed_params_list` is the different params.
#     :param default_params: a ``dict()`` like ``{param_1:d1, param_2:d2 ...}``
#     :param unfixed_params_list:  a ``list`` like ``[{param_1:a1, param_2:a2}, {param_1:b1, param_2:b2}, ...]``.
#     .. note ::
#         You must set the value of ``task_id`` and ``gpu_ids_abs``, regardless in ``default_params`` or
#         ``unfixed_params_list``.
#          ``{'task_id': 1`}`` , ``{'gpu_ids_abs': [0,1]}`` .
#          * For the same ``task_id`` , the tasks will be executed **sequentially** on the certain devices.
#          * For the different ``task_id`` , the will be executed **parallelly** on the certain devices.
#     Example:
#         .. code::
#             unfixed_params_list = [
#                 {'task_id':1, 'lr':1e-3,'gpu_ids_abs': [0] },
#                 {'task_id':1, 'lr':1e-4,'gpu_ids_abs': [0] },
#                 {'task_id':2, 'lr':1e-5,'gpu_ids_abs': [2,3] }]
#         This set of ``unfixed_params_list`` means that:
#         +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
#         | time | 'task_id':1           | 'task_id':2          |                     |
#         +======+=======================+======================+=====================+
#         | t    | 'lr':1e-3,            | 'lr':1e-5,           | executed parallelly |
#         |      | 'gpu_ids_abs': [0]    | 'gpu_ids_abs': [2,3] |                     |
#         +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
#         | t+1  | 'lr':1e-4,            | \                    |                     |
#         |      | 'gpu_ids_abs': [0]    |                      |                     |
#         +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
#         |      | executed sequentially | \                    |                     |
#         +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+
#     """
#     def __init__(self, default_params: dict, unfixed_params_list: list):
#         """
#         :param default_params: a ``dict()`` like {param:v1, param:v2 ...}
#         :param unfixed_params_list:  a ``list`` like [{param:v1, param:v2}, {param:v1, param:v2}, ...].
#         You must set the value of `task_id` and `gpu_ids_abs`, like {'task_id': 1}. {'gpu_ids_abs': [0,1]},
#         regardless in ``default_params`` or ``unfixed_params_list``.
#         .. note ::
#             You must set the value of `task_id` and `gpu_ids_abs`, like {'task_id': 1}. {'gpu_ids_abs': [0,1]}
#         """
#         self.default_params = default_params
#         # {params:123}
#         self.unfixed_params_list = unfixed_params_list  #
#         # self.unfixed_params_list =[{'depth':12},{'depth':18},{'depth':24},{'depth':26}]
#         self.candidate_params_list = self._build_candidate_params(default_params, unfixed_params_list)
#         # [{params1..},{params2...}]
#         self.parallel_plans = self._distribute_task(self.candidate_params_list)
#         # self.parallel_plans = {(task_id):[{param1},{param2}]}
#     @abstractmethod
#     def build_task_trainer(self, params: dict):
#         """You need to write this method to build your own ``Trainer``.
#         This will run in a certain subprocess.
#         The keys of ``params`` are compatible with ``dataset`` , ``Model`` , ``Optimizer`` and ``Trainer`` .
#         You can see parameters in the following example.
#         These two parameters are special.
#         * ``params["logdir"]``   controls the log directory.
#         * ``params["gpu_ids_abs"]`` controls the running devices.
#         You should return a ``Trainer`` when you finish you building.
#         :param params: parameters dictionary.
#         :return: Trainer
#         Example::
#             # Using ``params['key']`` to build your Trainer.
#             logdir = params["logdir"] # necessary!
#             gpu_ids_abs = params["gpu_ids_abs"] # necessary!
#             use_benchmark = params["use_benchmark"]
#             data_root = params["data_root"]
#             batch_shape = params["batch_shape"]
#             opt_name = params["opt_name"]
#             lr = params["lr"]
#             lr_decay = params["lr_decay"]
#             lr_minimum = params["lr_minimum"]
#             weight_decay = params["weight_decay"]
#             momentum = params["momentum"]
#             betas = params["betas"]
#             init_method = params["init_method"]
#             depth = params["depth"]
#             mid_channels = params["mid_channels"]
#             nepochs = params["nepochs"]
#             torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = use_benchmark
#             mnist = FashionMNIST(root=data_root, batch_shape=batch_shape)
#             T_net = Model(Tresnet18(depth=depth, mid_channels=mid_channels), gpu_ids_abs=gpu_ids_abs,
#                           init_method=init_method)
#             opt = Optimizer(T_net.parameters(), lr, lr_decay, weight_decay, momentum, betas, opt_name,
#                             lr_minimum=lr_minimum)
#             Trainer = FashingClassTrainer(logdir, nepochs, gpu_ids_abs, T_net, opt, mnist)
#             # You must return a Trainer!
#             return Trainer
#         """
#         pass
#     def train(self, max_processes=4):
#         """start parallel task
#         To start the parallel task that were saved in  ``self.parallel_plans`` dictionary.
#         :param max_processes: A max amount of processes for setting ``Pool(processes = ?)`` method.
#         """
#         # print("Main process ID: %d" % os.getpid())
#         print('Waiting for all subprocesses done...\n%s' % ('=' * 36))
#         p = Pool(max_processes)
#         # {(gpu_id1):[{param1}, {param2}], (gpu_id2):[{param1}, {param2}]}
#         for position, parallel_plan in enumerate(self.parallel_plans.items()):
#             # task_id, candidate_params = parallel_plan
#             p.apply_async(self._start_train, (parallel_plan, position),
#                           callback=self.finish, error_callback=self.error)
#         # p.map_async(self._start_train, self.parallel_plans.items(), callback=self.finish, error_callback=self.error)
#         p.close()
#         p.join()
#         print('All subprocesses done.')
#     def _start_train(self, parallel_plan: tuple, position: int):
#         task_id, candidate_params = parallel_plan
#         # task_id, candidate_params = parallel_planChild process ID:
#         nums_tasks = len(candidate_params)
#         # print("Task %s child process ID: %d" % (task_id, os.getpid()))
#         for index, params in enumerate(candidate_params):
#             tag = "CPU" if not params["gpu_ids_abs"] else "GPU%s" % str(params["gpu_ids_abs"])
#             process_bar_header = ">>>T%d:(%d/%d)|%s" % (task_id, index, nums_tasks, tag)
#             trainer = self.build_task_trainer(params)
#             try:
#                 trainer.train(process_bar_header=process_bar_header, process_bar_position=position,
#                 subbar_disable=True)
#             except Exception as e:
#                 print('str(Exception):\t', str(Exception))
#                 print('repr(e):\t', repr(e))
#                 print(traceback.print_exc())
#                 print('traceback.format_exc():\n%s' % traceback.format_exc())
#     def _distribute_task(self, candidate_params_list: list):
#         for params in candidate_params_list:
#             assert "gpu_ids_abs" in params and "task_id" in params, "You must pass params `gpu_ids_abs` to set device"
#             assert "task_id" in params, "You must pass params `task_id` to set a task ID"
#         tasks_plan = dict({})  # (task_id):[t3],(task_id):[t1,t2]
#         for candidate_params in candidate_params_list:
#             task_id = candidate_params["task_id"]
#             if task_id in tasks_plan:
#                 # if task_id have been used, append to the former tasks.
#                 tasks_plan[task_id].append(candidate_params)
#             else:
#                 # if task_id  have not been used, create a new task list.
#                 tasks_plan[task_id] = [candidate_params]
#         # trainers_plan = list(gpu_used_plan.values)  # [[t1,t2],[t3]...]
#         return tasks_plan
#     def _build_candidate_params(self, default_params: dict, unfixed_params_list: list):
#         final_unfixed_params_list = self._add_logdirs_to_unfixed_params(unfixed_params_list)
#         total_params = []
#         import copy
#         for unfixedparams_dict in final_unfixed_params_list:
#             params = copy.deepcopy(default_params)
#             for key, value in unfixedparams_dict.items():
#                 params[key] = value
#             total_params.append(copy.deepcopy(params))
#         return total_params
#     def _add_logdirs_to_unfixed_params(self, unfixed_params_list: list):
#         import copy
#         final_unfixed_params_list = copy.deepcopy(unfixed_params_list)
#         use_auto_logdir = not "logdir" in unfixed_params_list[0]
#         if use_auto_logdir:
#             print("Build log directories automatically!")
#             for index, params_dict in enumerate(unfixed_params_list):  # [dict(),dict()]
#                 logdir_name = []
#                 for key, value in params_dict.items():  # params_dict = {p1:1, p2:2}
#                     if key == "task_id":
#                         continue
#                     if key == 'gpu_ids_abs':
#                         key = 'gpu'
#                     param_name = "=".join([str(key), str(value)])
#                     logdir_name.append(param_name)
#                     final_unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"] = "plog/" + ",".join(logdir_name)
#         else:
#             for index, params_dict in enumerate(unfixed_params_list):  # [dict(),dict()]
#                 final_unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"] = self._convert_to_dirname(
#                         unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"])
#         print("logdir names are:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join([params["logdir"] for params in final_unfixed_params_list]))
#         return final_unfixed_params_list  # [dir1, dir2, dir3]
#     def _convert_to_dirname(self, item: str):
#         dir_name = item.strip()
#         replace_dict = {"*": "",
#                         ">": "greater",
#                         "<": "smaller",
#                         "|": "-",
#                         ":": "%",
#                         "?": "$",
#                         "/": "_",
#                         "\\": "_",
#                         }
#         for key, value in replace_dict.items():
#             dir_name = str(dir_name).replace(key, value)
#             if len(dir_name) > 50:
#                 import warnings
#                 warnings.warn("the length of `dir_name`(%d) is greater than 50."
#                               "It will be cut to `dir_name[0:50]`" % len(dir_name))
#                 dir_name = dir_name[0:50]
#         return dir_name
#     def finish(self, msg):
#         """When a subprocess finished, it will be called.
#         You can rewrite this method for your purpose.
#         :param msg: fin
#         """
#         # print("%s finished!" % os.getpid(), msg)
#         pass
#     def error(self, msg):
#         """When a subprocess failed, it will be called.
#         You can rewrite this method for your purpose.
#         :param msg: error massage
#         """
#         print(msg)

[docs]class SupParallelTrainer(object): """ Training parallel .. attr::`default_params` is the default params. .. attr::`unfixed_params_list` is the different params. :param default_params: a ``dict()`` like ``{param_1:d1, param_2:d2 ...}`` :param unfixed_params_list: a ``list`` like ``[{param_1:a1, param_2:a2}, {param_1:b1, param_2:b2}, ...]``. .. note :: You must set the value of ``task_id`` and ``gpu_ids_abs``, regardless in ``default_params`` or ``unfixed_params_list``. ``{'task_id': 1`}`` , ``{'gpu_ids_abs': [0,1]}`` . * For the same ``task_id`` , the tasks will be executed **sequentially** on the certain devices. * For the different ``task_id`` , the will be executed **parallelly** on the certain devices. Example: .. code:: unfixed_params_list = [ {'task_id':1, 'lr':1e-3,'gpu_ids_abs': [0] }, {'task_id':1, 'lr':1e-4,'gpu_ids_abs': [0] }, {'task_id':2, 'lr':1e-5,'gpu_ids_abs': [2,3] }] This set of ``unfixed_params_list`` means that: +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+ | time | 'task_id':1 | 'task_id':2 | | +======+=======================+======================+=====================+ | t | 'lr':1e-3, | 'lr':1e-5, | executed parallelly | | | 'gpu_ids_abs': [0] | 'gpu_ids_abs': [2,3] | | +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+ | t+1 | 'lr':1e-4, | \ | | | | 'gpu_ids_abs': [0] | | | +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+ | | executed sequentially | \ | | +------+-----------------------+----------------------+---------------------+ """ def __init__(self, unfixed_params_list: list, train_func=None): """ :param default_params: a ``dict()`` like {param:v1, param:v2 ...} :param unfixed_params_list: a ``list`` like [{param:v1, param:v2}, {param:v1, param:v2}, ...]. You must set the value of `task_id` and `gpu_ids_abs`, like {'task_id': 1}. {'gpu_ids_abs': [0,1]}, regardless in ``default_params`` or ``unfixed_params_list``. .. note :: You must set the value of `task_id` and `gpu_ids_abs`, like {'task_id': 1}. {'gpu_ids_abs': [0,1]} """ if train_func is not None: self.build_task_trainer_ = train_func candidate_params_list = self._add_logdirs_to_unfixed_params(unfixed_params_list) # [{params1..},{params2...}] self.parallel_plans = self._distribute_task(candidate_params_list) # self.parallel_plans = {task_id:[{param1},{param2}]}
[docs] def build_task_trainer(self, unfixed_params: dict): """You need to write this method to build your own ``Trainer``. This will run in a certain subprocess. The keys of ``params`` are compatible with ``dataset`` , ``Model`` , ``Optimizer`` and ``Trainer`` . You can see parameters in the following example. These two parameters are special. * ``params["logdir"]`` controls the log directory. * ``params["gpu_ids_abs"]`` controls the running devices. You should return a ``Trainer`` when you finish you building. :param params: parameters dictionary. :return: Trainer Example:: # Using ``params['key']`` to build your Trainer. logdir = params["logdir"] # necessary! gpu_ids_abs = params["gpu_ids_abs"] # necessary! use_benchmark = params["use_benchmark"] data_root = params["data_root"] batch_shape = params["batch_shape"] opt_name = params["opt_name"] lr = params["lr"] lr_decay = params["lr_decay"] lr_minimum = params["lr_minimum"] weight_decay = params["weight_decay"] momentum = params["momentum"] betas = params["betas"] init_method = params["init_method"] depth = params["depth"] mid_channels = params["mid_channels"] nepochs = params["nepochs"] torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = use_benchmark mnist = FashionMNIST(root=data_root, batch_shape=batch_shape) T_net = Model(Tresnet18(depth=depth, mid_channels=mid_channels), gpu_ids_abs=gpu_ids_abs, init_method=init_method) opt = Optimizer(T_net.parameters(), lr, lr_decay, weight_decay, momentum, betas, opt_name, lr_minimum=lr_minimum) Trainer = FashingClassTrainer(logdir, nepochs, gpu_ids_abs, T_net, opt, mnist) # You must return a Trainer! return Trainer """ return self.build_task_trainer_(unfixed_params)
[docs] def train(self, max_processes=4): """start parallel task To start the parallel task that were saved in ``self.parallel_plans`` dictionary. :param max_processes: A max amount of processes for setting ``Pool(processes = ?)`` method. """ # print("Main process ID: %d" % os.getpid()) print('Waiting for all subprocesses done...\n%s' % ('=' * 36)) p = Pool(max_processes) # {(gpu_id1):[{param1}, {param2}], (gpu_id2):[{param1}, {param2}]} for position, parallel_plan in enumerate(self.parallel_plans.items()): # task_id, candidate_params = parallel_plan p.apply_async(self._start_train, (parallel_plan, position), callback=self.finish, error_callback=self.error) # p.map_async(self._start_train, self.parallel_plans.items(), callback=self.finish, error_callback=self.error) p.close() p.join() print('All subprocesses done.')
def _start_train(self, parallel_plan: tuple, position: int): task_id, candidate_params = parallel_plan # task_id, candidate_params = parallel_planChild process ID: nums_tasks = len(candidate_params) # print("Task %s child process ID: %d" % (task_id, os.getpid())) for index, params in enumerate(candidate_params): tag = "CPU" if not params["gpu_ids_abs"] else "GPU%s" % str(params["gpu_ids_abs"]) process_bar_header = ">>>T%d:(%d/%d)|%s" % (task_id, index, nums_tasks, tag) trainer = self.build_task_trainer(params) try: trainer.train(process_bar_header=process_bar_header, process_bar_position=position, subbar_disable=True) except Exception as e: print('str(Exception):\t', str(Exception)) print('repr(e):\t', repr(e)) print(traceback.print_exc()) print('traceback.format_exc():\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) @staticmethod def _distribute_task(candidate_params_list: list): for params in candidate_params_list: if "task_id" not in params: raise ValueError("You must pass params `task_id` as a key to set a task ID") tasks_plan = dict({}) # (task_id):[t3],(task_id):[t1,t2] for candidate_params in candidate_params_list: task_id = candidate_params["task_id"] if task_id in tasks_plan: # if task_id have been used, append to the former tasks. tasks_plan[task_id].append(candidate_params) else: # if task_id have not been used, create a new task list. tasks_plan[task_id] = [candidate_params] # trainers_plan = list(gpu_used_plan.values) # [[t1,t2],[t3]...] return tasks_plan def _add_logdirs_to_unfixed_params(self, unfixed_params_list: list): final_unfixed_params_list = copy.deepcopy(unfixed_params_list) use_auto_logdir = not "logdir" in unfixed_params_list[0] if use_auto_logdir: print("Build log directories automatically!") for index, params_dict in enumerate(unfixed_params_list): # [dict(),dict()] logdir_name = [] for key, value in params_dict.items(): # params_dict = {p1:1, p2:2} if key == "task_id": continue if key == 'gpu_ids_abs': key = 'gpu' param_name = "=".join([str(key), str(value)]) logdir_name.append(param_name) final_unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"] = "plog/" + ",".join(logdir_name) else: for index, params_dict in enumerate(unfixed_params_list): # [dict(),dict()] final_unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"] = self._convert_to_dirname( unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"]) print("logdir names are:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join([params["logdir"] for params in final_unfixed_params_list])) return final_unfixed_params_list # [dir1, dir2, dir3] def _convert_to_dirname(self, item: str): dir_name = item.strip() replace_dict = {"*": "", ">": "greater", "<": "smaller", "|": "-", ":": "%", "?": "$", "/": "_", "\\": "_", } for key, value in replace_dict.items(): dir_name = str(dir_name).replace(key, value) if len(dir_name) > 50: import warnings warnings.warn("the length of `dir_name`(%d) is greater than 50." "It will be cut to `dir_name[0:50]`" % len(dir_name)) dir_name = dir_name[0:50] return dir_name
[docs] def finish(self, msg): """When a subprocess finished, it will be called. You can rewrite this method for your purpose. :param msg: fin """ # print("%s finished!" % os.getpid(), msg) pass
[docs] def error(self, msg): """When a subprocess failed, it will be called. You can rewrite this method for your purpose. :param msg: error massage """ print(msg)
# class Task(object): # # def __init__(self, *param_dicts): # # candidate_params_list = self._add_logdirs_to_unfixed_params(param_dicts) # # self.parallel_plans = self._distribute_task_on_devices(candidate_params_list) # # def _add_logdirs_to_unfixed_params(self, unfixed_params_list: tuple): # # final_unfixed_params_list = copy.deepcopy(unfixed_params_list) # use_auto_logdir = not "logdir" in unfixed_params_list[0] # if use_auto_logdir: # print("Build log directories automatically!") # for index, params_dict in enumerate(unfixed_params_list): # [dict(),dict()] # logdir_name = [] # for key, value in params_dict.items(): # params_dict = {p1:1, p2:2} # if key == "task_id": # continue # if key == 'gpu_ids_abs': # key = 'gpu' # param_name = "=".join([str(key), str(value)]) # logdir_name.append(param_name) # final_unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"] = "plog/" + ",".join(logdir_name) # else: # for index, params_dict in enumerate(unfixed_params_list): # [dict(),dict()] # final_unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"] = self._convert_to_dirname( # unfixed_params_list[index]["logdir"]) # # print("logdir names are:\n\t%s" % "\n\t".join([params["logdir"] for params in final_unfixed_params_list])) # # return final_unfixed_params_list # [dir1, dir2, dir3] # # def _distribute_task_on_devices(self, candidate_params_list: tuple): # for params in candidate_params_list: # assert "task_id" in params, "You must pass params `task_id` to set a task ID" # tasks_plan = dict({}) # (task_id):[t3],(task_id):[t1,t2] # for candidate_params in candidate_params_list: # task_id = candidate_params["task_id"] # if task_id in tasks_plan: # # if task_id have been used, append to the former tasks. # tasks_plan[task_id].append(candidate_params) # else: # # if task_id have not been used, create a new task list. # tasks_plan[task_id] = [candidate_params] # # trainers_plan = list(gpu_used_plan.values) # [[t1,t2],[t3]...] # return tasks_plan # # def _convert_to_dirname(self, item: str): # dir_name = item.strip() # replace_dict = {"*": "", # ">": "greater", # "<": "smaller", # "|": "-", # ":": "%", # "?": "$", # "/": "_", # "\\": "_", # } # for key, value in replace_dict.items(): # dir_name = str(dir_name).replace(key, value) # if len(dir_name) > 50: # import warnings # warnings.warn("the length of `dir_name`(%d) is greater than 50." # "It will be cut to `dir_name[0:50]`" % len(dir_name)) # dir_name = dir_name[0:50] # return dir_name