Source code for jdit.optimizer

# coding=utf-8
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict
import torch.optim as optim
from inspect import signature

[docs]class Optimizer(object): """This is a wrapper of ``optimizer`` class in pytorch. We add something new features in order to feather control the optimizer. * :attr:`params` is the parameters of model which need to be updated. It will use a filter to get all the parameters that required grad automatically. Like this ``filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, params)`` So, you can passing ``model.all_params()`` without any filters. * :attr:`learning rate decay` When calling ``do_lr_decay()``, it will do a learning rate decay. like: .. math:: lr = lr * decay * :attr:`learning rate reset` . Reset learning rate, it can change learning rate and decay directly. :param params: parameters of model, which need to be updated. :param optimizer: An optimizer classin pytorch, such as ``torch.optim.Adam``. :param lr_decay: learning rate decay. Default: 0.92. :param decay_at_epoch: The position of applying lr decay. Default: None. :param decay_at_step: learning rate decay. Default: None :param kwargs: pass hyper-parameters to optimizer, such as ``lr`` , ``betas`` , ``weight_decay`` . :return: Args: params (dict): parameters of model, which need to be updated. optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer): An optimizer classin pytorch, such as ``torch.optim.Adam`` lr_decay (float, optional): learning rate decay. Default: 0.92 decay_position (int, list, optional): The decaly position of lr. Default: None lr_reset (Dict[position(int), lr(float)] ): Reset learning at a certain position. Default: None position_type ('epoch','step'): Position type. Default: None **kwargs : pass hyper-parameters to optimizer, such as ``lr`` , ``betas`` , ``weight_decay`` . Example:: >>> from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv3d >>> from torch.optim import Adam >>> module = Sequential(Conv3d(16, 33, (3, 5, 2), stride=(2, 1, 1), padding=(4, 2, 0))) >>> opt = Optimizer(module.parameters() ,"Adam", 0.5, 10, {4:0.99},"epoch", lr=1.0, betas=(0.9, 0.999), weight_decay=1e-5) >>> print(opt) (Adam ( Parameter Group 0 amsgrad: False betas: (0.9, 0.999) eps: 1e-08 lr: 1.0 weight_decay: 1e-05 ) lr_decay:0.5 decay_position:10 lr_reset:{4: 0.99} position_type:epoch )) >>> 1.0 >>> opt.lr_decay 0.5 >>> opt.do_lr_decay() >>> 0.5 >>> opt.do_lr_decay(reset_lr=1) >>> 1 >>> opt.opt Adam ( Parameter Group 0 amsgrad: False betas: (0.9, 0.999) eps: 1e-08 lr: 1 weight_decay: 1e-05 ) >>> opt.is_decay_lr(1) False >>> opt.is_decay_lr(10) True >>> opt.is_decay_lr(20) True >>> opt.is_reset_lr(4) 0.99 >>> opt.is_reset_lr(5) False """ def __init__(self, params: "parameters of model", optimizer: "[Adam,RMSprop,SGD...]", lr_decay: float = 1.0, decay_position: Union[int, tuple, list] = -1, lr_reset: Dict[int, float] = None, position_type: "('epoch','step')" = "epoch", **kwargs): if not isinstance(decay_position, (int, tuple, list)): raise TypeError("`decay_position` should be int or tuple/list, get %s instead" % type( decay_position)) if position_type not in ('epoch', 'step'): raise AttributeError("You need to set `position_type` 'step' or 'epoch', get %s instead" % position_type) if lr_reset and any(lr_reset.values()) <= 0: raise AttributeError("The learning rate in `lr_reset={position:lr,}` should be grater than 0!") self.lr_decay = lr_decay self.decay_position = decay_position self.position_type = position_type self.lr_reset = lr_reset self.opt_name = optimizer try: Optim = getattr(optim, optimizer) self.opt = Optim(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, params), **kwargs) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( "%s\n`%s` parameters are:\n %s\n Got %s instead." % (e, optimizer, signature(self.opt), kwargs)) except AttributeError as e: opts = [i for i in dir(optim) if not i.endswith("__") and i not in ['lr_scheduler', 'Optimizer']] raise AttributeError( "%s\n`%s` is not an optimizer in torch.optim. Availible optims are:\n%s" % (e, optimizer, opts)) for param_group in self.opt.param_groups: = param_group["lr"] def __repr__(self): string = "(" + str(self.opt) + "\n %s:%s\n" % ("lr_decay", self.lr_decay) string = string + " %s:%s\n" % ("decay_position", self.decay_position) string = string + " %s:%s\n" % ("lr_reset", self.lr_reset) string = string + " %s:%s\n)" % ("position_type", self.position_type) + ")" return string def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.opt, name)
[docs] def is_decay_lr(self, position: Optional[int]) -> bool: """Judge if use learning decay on this position. :param position: (int) A position of step or epoch. :return: bool """ if not self.decay_position: return False if isinstance(self.decay_position, int): is_change_lr = position > 0 and (position % self.decay_position) == 0 else: is_change_lr = position in self.decay_position return is_change_lr
[docs] def is_reset_lr(self, position: Optional[int]) -> bool: """Judge if use learning decay on this position. :param position: (int) A position of step or epoch. :return: bool """ if not self.lr_reset: return False if isinstance(self.lr_reset, (tuple, list)): reset_lr = position > 0 and (position % self.decay_position) == 0 else: reset_lr = self.lr_reset.get(position, False) return reset_lr
[docs] def do_lr_decay(self, reset_lr_decay: float = None, reset_lr: float = None): """Do learning rate decay, or reset them. Passing parameters both None: Do a learning rate decay by `` = * self.lr_decay`` . Passing parameters reset_lr_decay or reset_lr: Do a learning rate or decay reset. by `` = reset_lr`` ``self.lr_decay = reset_lr_decay`` :param reset_lr_decay: if not None, use this value to reset `self.lr_decay`. Default: None. :param reset_lr: if not None, use this value to reset ``. Default: None. :return: """ = * self.lr_decay if reset_lr_decay is not None: self.lr_decay = reset_lr_decay if reset_lr is not None: = reset_lr for param_group in self.opt.param_groups: param_group["lr"] =
@property def configure(self): config_dic = dict() config_dic["opt_name"] = self.opt_name opt_config = dict(self.opt.param_groups[0]) opt_config.pop("params") config_dic.update(opt_config) config_dic["lr_decay"] = str(self.lr_decay) config_dic["decay_position"] = str(self.decay_position) config_dic["decay_decay_typeposition"] = self.position_type return config_dic
if __name__ == '__main__': import torch from torch.optim import Adam, RMSprop, SGD adam, rmsprop, sgd = Adam, RMSprop, SGD param = torch.nn.Linear(10, 1).parameters() opt = Optimizer(param, "Adam", 0.1, 10, {2: 0.01, 4: 0.1}, "step", lr=0.9, betas=(0.9, 0.999), weight_decay=1e-5) print(opt) print(opt.configure['lr']) opt.do_lr_decay() print(opt.configure['lr']) opt.do_lr_decay(reset_lr=0.232, reset_lr_decay=0.3) print(opt.configure['lr_decay']) opt.do_lr_decay(reset_lr=0.2) print(opt.configure) print(opt.is_decay_lr(1)) print(opt.is_decay_lr(2)) print(opt.is_decay_lr(40)) print(opt.is_decay_lr(10)) print(opt.is_reset_lr(2)) print(opt.is_reset_lr(3)) print(opt.is_reset_lr(4)) param = torch.nn.Linear(10, 1).parameters() hpd = {"optimizer": "Adam", "lr_decay": 0.1, "decay_position": [1, 3, 5], "position_type": "epoch", "lr": 0.9, "betas": (0.9, 0.999), "weight_decay": 1e-5} opt = Optimizer(param, **hpd)